Quick escape (ESC)

Services for men who use violence

Content warning This page involves descriptions and discussion of the experiences and impacts of domestic and family violence. Some survivors might find its content troubling.

If you think you have a problem with power and control, turn your desire for power and control on yourself – not your loved ones – and get the help you need. By looking at root behaviours, change is possible. 1

Some services that can offer men support are listed below

A note on anger management therapy

Anger management courses are not helpful for dealing with domestic and family violence. 2 While some men who use violent and controlling behaviours have problems with expressing their anger, others might be finding it difficult to express other feelings, such as fear, anxiety or frustration. Effective programs hold men accountable for their actions and address their choice to use violence, while focusing on keeping women and children safe.

  1. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/the-violent-men-who-do-change-20160527-gp53j0.html
  2. http://www.ntvmrs.org.au/about-family-violence/what-men-can-do/