Quick escape (ESC)
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Domestic and family violence: a gendered problem
Why preventing domestic violence is a key faith issue
Prevalence in the Church
What are denominations doing?
The Bible on…
Women, inequality and the Church
Abuser-friendly church cultures
Churches as agents of change
What is abuse?
More than physical violence
The evidence
Who is a victim?
Why don’t victims just leave?
Children who witness domestic violence
Respectful relationships
Community attitudes towards domestic violence
Gender drivers of violence against women
Safety first
Intervening in a violent incident
Dealing with disclosures of abuse
Reporting to the police
Leaving an abusive relationship
Safety planning
What about male victims?
Make your church a SAFER space
Apologising to victims of domestic violence
How to preach
Self care for pastors and support people
Practical help churches can offer
What governments are doing
Want to learn more?
Identifying men who use violence
How abusers can hide out in churches
What do we mean by male entitlement and male privilege?
How churches can 'support' perpetrators
How abusers can change
Services for men who use violence
Help and support services
Perpetrator interventions
General information and campaign websites
Church guides and handbooks
Church ministry resources
What is this resource?
Why this resource?
Who is involved?
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